By using fractional Brownian motion envelope process and additional maximum delay constrain, the algorithm overcomes the shortcoming of those packet-loss-probability based methods which can not guarantee the packet maximum delay. 该算法采用分形布朗运动包络过程对自相似业务进行分析,通过增加最大延时约束条件,克服了原先基于分组丢失概率的有效带宽计算方法不能保证业务最大延时要求的不足。
The self-similar traffic getting into the GPS system was regulated using the envelope curve of the fractal leaky bucket ( FLB). The upper bounds on queue length and delay of the GPS system with self-similar traffic input was derived. 通过使用分形漏桶的包络曲线对进入GPS系统的自相似业务流进行整形,推导了利用自相似业务流作为输入的GPS系统的队列长度和时延统计上界。